If you grind your teeth while you sleep or you’re a physically active individual who plays sports, mouthguards can prevent tooth damage, ensuring your smile stays healthy for years to come. At Steven A. Talerman DDS, located in Roslyn, New York, Dr. Talerman offers several types of mouthguards, including custom night guards and athletic mouthguards. To schedule an appointment, call the office or book a consultation online today.

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What are mouthguards?

Mouthguards are oral appliances that protect your teeth while playing sports or other physical activities. They can also limit the damage caused by teeth grinding and jaw clenching during sleep.

Wearing a mouthguard may feel awkward at first, but the benefits are undeniable. In fact, a mouthguard can keep your teeth healthy and problem-free, significantly lowering your risk of chipped, cracked, fractured, or knocked-out teeth.

Are there different types of mouthguards?

Dr. Talerman and his team offer several types of mouthguards, including:

Athletic and sports mouthguards

An athletic or sports mouthguard is a custom appliance used to protect your teeth and gums during physical activity. This type of mouthguard is beneficial for people who play contact sports like football and hockey. You might also benefit if you mountain bike, skateboard, or rollerblade.

Night guards

A night guard is a custom oral appliance that acts as a barrier between your upper and lower teeth. If you grind your teeth during sleep or clench your jaw, a night guard takes the pressure off of your temporomandibular joints, lowering your risk of morning headaches and jaw pain.

Additionally, a night guard protects your tooth enamel. If you grind your teeth, it wears away at the enamel, which can expose the interior of your tooth or tooth roots.

What is the process of getting a mouthguard?

Getting a mouthguard begins with an oral exam, a discussion of your goals for treatment, and a review of your oral health history. After Dr. Talerman gathers this information, he uses a special putty-like material to take molds of your teeth and gums.

Dr. Talerman sends your molds to a dental laboratory that manufactures your custom sports mouthguard or night guard. About a week later, you return to the office and try your appliance on.

Custom mouthguards are more expensive than over-the-counter oral appliances, but they’re much sturdier and longer-lasting. What’s more, most dental insurance plans cover all or at least some of the cost.

How do I take care of my mouthguard?

Once you get your mouthguard, it’s important to keep it clean and protect it from damage. To get the most out of your mouthguard, Dr. Talerman recommends:

  • Storing your mouthguard in a hard, protective case
  • Rinsing your mouthguard regularly with cool water
  • Using toothpaste and a soft-bristle toothbrush to clean it after each use
  • Regularly checking for holes or signs of wear-and-tear damage

Mouthguards won’t last forever, but with proper care, you can minimize damage and extend their lifespan. If you have any questions about caring for your mouthguard, let Dr. Talerman know.

To learn more about the benefits of mouthguards, schedule an appointment at the practice of Steven A. Talerman DDS. Call the office and speak with a friendly team member or book a consultation online today.